SETTING A FANCY TABLE The Seattle Times gives readers the
• Salad plates. Place these in front of guests at the center of the setting. If you don't have salad plates, guests can use their dinner plates for salad. • Napkins. Fold and place in the center of the plate, at the left of the plate or folded creatively in the glassware. • Flatware. Set the table so guests eat with utensils from the outside in: the salad fork on the outside of the dinner fork, both to the left of the dinner plate; the knife to the right of the dinner plate and the spoon to the right of the knife. The dessert fork and spoon, if you have them, should be placed horizontally at the top of the plate, the bowl of the spoon facing left and the prongs of the fork facing right. • Glassware. Glasses go on the right.There's more.
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